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Showing posts from 2018

How to Achieve More in Less Time

There are some day-to-day activities that can be repetitive and take so much time of your daily schedule. If you are a business owner or you have a side hustle, it is necessary to implement a few techniques to help you strategize your work and work smart. In this video, I give you tips that will help you structure your week and daily actions so you can spend less time doing the same thing every day and free yourself to spend more time on the most important things for you and for your business. Watch the video and let me know your thoughts: Implement the tips and let me know how it goes for you.

How to Be More Visible on Instagram

Having an active presence and visibility on Instagram has become such an important thing for entrepreneurs and businesses. In this series, Elisabeth Kounou, Web marketing coach and trainer, breaks down all that we need to do to get discovered on Instagram, attract new clients and grow our businesses. There, we talk about the feed, hashtags, stories, IGTV and the various tools you have available that you should use to create photos and videos for Instagram. This interview is loaded with good information which I have quickly started applying and already seeing the results. Watch the series here:

10 productive things to do in your freetime

Want to stop wasting hours browsing social media and using them instead into something fun and productive? In this video, I give you 10 ideas of productive things you can during your freetime . 1.      Learn a new skill (language, music, graphic design, photography, art etc): Keep your brain up to speed by exposing it to new challenges and new learnings. You could learn something totally fun like a new language, music, graphic design, photography or something that you always said you wished you could do but didn’t have time for 2.      Work out: Needless to explain why working out is such a productive activity. Not only you oxygenate your body but also your mind. Actually, Richard Branson says that working out is his best investment of the day. 3.       Read: Reading books and well-written articles will help you improve your grammar and spelling but also offer you invaluable information. 4.      ...

7 Habits to Eliminate Distractions and Be More Productive

It's so easy to get distracted throughout the day and not accomplish very much. There are so many things that happen or that we make happen that instead of taking 2-3min, end up taking us more time than expected or maybe even hours. You know like checking IG, watching one episode of the The Crown on Netflix, which end up with watching the entire season, etc. Being productive doesn't come in easy. It's about dedicating your high-energy hours to the most important intellectual tasks of the day. It's also about prioritizing and learning to reduce or avoid distractions. In this video, I share with you my top tips to eliminate distractions and start being more focused and productive. Let me know which of these tips are you going to start applying now!!

How to Be Happy, Healthy, Productive & Successful

As entrepreneurs and highly active people, we tend to forget to take care of ourselves... In this interview, Tiffany Yan offers 7 tips that you can easily implement in your busy schedule but that will help you be happy, healthy, productive and successful!! Little changes in your daily routine can go a long way... The point is to have a more balanced lifestyle that will help you keep your sanity and be the best you can be. What is the point of entrepreneurship if you don't enjoy the fruits of your hard work and feel happy and successful? Watch the video and start implementing these tips. Remember it takes 21 days to form a habit so do not drop it too soon. Also, let me down which of Tiffany's tips are you going to start applying first? Good luck in your endeavors and stay in touch!

Paris Vlog: Meetup, Making Friends & Hustling

CLICK HERE TO WATCH Networking and meeting new people is good but not enough. I talk in the video about what should be done to make the most out of the relationships that matter the most to you. What happens after you have set goals and achieved them? In this video, I talk to Hustlers' Group members Ranjit Patel and Noaman Hajji on what comes after reaching goals and what to do about it. And finally, should little ones have a perfect and flawless path or should we encourage them to get comfortable with failures? In this video, I give my opinion on why being always the best at a very young age may not do any favors to the kids when they grow up... Click here to watch the video and follow the discussions while enjoying the beautiful Parisian scenery. As always, feel free to message me or comment here. Let me know how are you liking my recent videos and please bare with me as I am currently learning to edit videos on Abobe Premiere. So things aren't looking exactly ...

5 People You Need in Your Life to Succeed

Success cannot be achieved alone. In fact, I believe there is no real self-made person. All successful people make sure they surround themselves with the right people, people who help them rise up and achieve their goals. There are 5 types of people you need in your life to reach high success. In this video, I break down who these 5 people are so you can go on and create your amazing inner circle. WATCH VIDEO

Why You Should Stop Thinking and Start Doing

So many of us spend way too much time thinking and almost never get to take action. What differentiates successful from unsuccessful people is that the former think, make plans and then act.  The latter find excuses for not taking action and rather wait for the blessings of everyone before starting. If you want success in your life, one word: ACTION. Watch the video for more.

How to Achieve Monthly Goals & Make Progress (+Free Printable)

If you spend around 30min before each month organizing your thoughts and planning your goals, you'll start to see a big progress in your life. Allocating this time will enable you to approach the month with much ease and a clearer picture of what you want to have done by the end of it. In this video, I take you step by step on the process I use to set my goals and keep track of them throughout the month. I highly urge you to write down your goals to go back to them and compare as time goes by. Make this process fun and enjoyable by challenging yourself on doing and exploring new things each month! Watch the video here:

Casablanca: Hustlers' Group Meetup, Business, Food & Sun

I recently was in Morocco for a business and family visit. One exciting thing that took place during my stay there was the first Hustlers' Group meetup in Casablanca. There I met amazing people who are passionate and driven. A lot of things were discussed on that day and we decided to organize the meetup on a monthly basis... The group is today growing and more members are joining from all parts of the world. If you're an entrepreneur or an aspiring one and want to learn, share and contribute, then join our community and let's grow together as entrepreneurs and human beings!! Watch the video to meet our Casablanca members:

How to Impact the World & Leave a Legacy

Sabirul Islam has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade. In this interview, he shares his journey as an entrepreneur and how he was driven by the question 'how will I be remembered?' that led him to achieve amazing and great things. I have met Sabirul in 2006 or 2007 when he was giving a talk at a networking group I used to work at the time when I used to be a graduate student. He was 17 and speaking in front of a crowd of mostly men with black suits in the heart of London. And his name was Islam. This is not a scenario that happens every day. Since then, I enjoyed following his growth and journey as a young entrepreneur sharing his passion, drive, and ambitions with other youth from all walks of life. Check out the video for inspiration and a lot of practical tips for anyone seeking success in life:

How to Self-Care (For Busy and Highly Active People)

WATCH VIDEO Most of us demand so much of ourselves and give little time and attention to our most valuable asset: ourselves. It is important to take care of yourself first for your sanity and also because when you do so, you become the best version of yourself and are able to deliver better and bigger life and business results. Here are my tips for taking care and loving yourself: WATCH THE VIDEO         Breathe. I used to think that taking breaks is a waste of time. Now I know that rushing through the day and going from one task to another without checking in with my body and mind is definitely not a healthy thing to do in the long run. Taking a short break and pausing can help you reboot your brain and body and deliver even better and more substantial work.         Move your body. I can’t stress enough about the importance of this point because of our current work conditions, it’s easy to fall into the trap of staying ...

How to Start a Business While You're Employed

A lot of people want to start businesses but think they don't have enough time to have a side hustle. While this may be true for creating a large corporation, today and with the internet, almost anyone can start an online business to have an extra stream of income or to prepare for leaving the full-time job. CLICK HERE TO WATCH Starting a business while being employed full-time is possible although it does take some organization and discipline. There are a few things to do daily to make the most out of the free time you have and optimize it to get the most important things done and have some progress going. In this video, I give you tips on how you can start a business and keep your day job. The key to success is to start small and grow as you go along. Wishing you the best!! CLICK HERE TO WATCH

How NOT to Feel Lonely as an Entrepreneur

With the prominence of social media, we may think that people nowadays have busy social lives. The reality is quite the opposite. Most solo entrepreneurs spend most of their days behind the computer screen typing and browsing the web. All communication happens virtually and even phone calls are becoming something of the past. CLICK HERE TO WATCH I know this problem too well. Being an entrepreneur myself, working from different locations and traveling across countries, I am most of the day working alone and virtually with teams and clients miles away from me. I have found that it can be unhealthy to continue working in my little bubble and the real need and desire to change that emerged only beginning of this year. While it may be comfortable to stay in my little zone, this doesn't come with any risks. Risks of being socially isolated, not able to communicate face to face with other human beings and risks of losing communication skills. In this video, I explain how not to...

How to Let Go & Achieve Success Faster with John Purkiss

If you've been feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and empty despite your efforts and hard work to achieve your goals, then you should definitely watch my interview with headhunter and author  John Purkiss . In this video, John talks about how we can all achieve success without the stress and the urge to control everything. This might be contrary to current popular personal development lessons and tips but this stuff is powerful.  Overkilling yourself to achieve your goals can have significant ramifications. John's suggested method is about achieving success faster and in an easier and more harmonious way. To know more, watch the video:

Your Questions Answered

How to stay motivated? How to de-stress and have a balance in life? Best books and online ecommerce courses? etc. In this video, I am answering some of the questions you've been sending me... I hope it'll be helpful. The discussion continues in the comments section. Stay in touch! CLICK THE IMAGE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

London under the Snow

CLICK TO WATCH It's been a while since I've posted a travel video. And since a lot of you voted for more travel videos on a recent Instagram poll, I thought why not vlog when I went to London last week. I have lived on 3 continents, 4 countries and 6 cities and London is the one that has a very special place in my heart. I love everything about the city: the people, food, vibe and this mixture of the British and European cultures. On this trip, I take you to the Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, the Thames, London Eye, Picadilly Circus etc on a week where it snowed so much that most schools were closed and the transportation was slow. Lucky me!! I hope you'll enjoy this video and if you do, please let me know!! Thanks for your support. 

Your Life Purpose & Legacy

WATCH VIDEO Our daily activities take up so much of our time. Showering, eating, working, commuting...some of us are chasing the end of the month salary. Some others the monthly pensions. But why do we live? What is the purpose of life? And do we have to have a purpose, to begin with? In my opinion, life without a purpose is a wasted life, especially that we currently live in a world that offers us so much more opportunities, better conditions of living and the internet. Yes, I had to say that because the internet brought more democracy into the world. Any average citizen's words have the same high chances of being heard as any country president or corporate CEO.  Because so much is available to us already, we should make it a goal to have a higher purpose in life. Our primary goals (paying the bills and having food on the table) shouldn't be our ultimate goals. Our existence should have a bigger meaning that goes beyond just our little comfort and interests. Making ...

How to Build a Personal Brand Online

WATCH VIDEO HERE Having a strong personal brand online isn't just about having a nice profile photo and a username. Powerful brands in the digital world are extremely good at communicating with their audiences. They know who they audiences are and what they want to read or see. For that, it is important to know what your purpose is and what you'd like to achieve by posting and being active online. In this interview, Serge Samoilenko, a communication instructor at George Mason University in Virginia, USA, talks about how to build a strong personal brand online and why some brands are not 'communicators'. He also explains what digital risks are and how to avoid them when building your brand online. Serge also reveals who you should go to first when promoting your products/services and the secret to really standing out and building a strong following. Watch the video and please comment and share!!

How to Network Effectively & Create Meaningful Connections

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO OK, let’s get this straight. If you want to succeed in life, you will have to network,. It doesn't matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert. Networking and meeting new people will help you grow, open up your mind and will trigger life-changing opportunities. Now that you know you cannot go it alone and that most successful people if not all of them have big networks that help them achieve their goals, let’s get to actually what you could do to start making meaningful connections: 1. Be nice to everybody. You don’t need a reason to be nice to people. In fact, generally, when I get asked about job interviews etc, I usually recommend to be nice to everyone you come across to from, the building entrance to the actual job interview office. You might never know who the person you’re coming across in the elevator is: it could be your future boss or the cleaner who will one day help you lock you out of the office bathroom. The idea is to be ni...

Change Agent in Morocco: Safaa Nhairy

Last year, I got contacted by Elaine Pelletier who was writing a paper on entrepreneurship in Morocco for her MBA program at the University of Nebraska, USA. I thought I'd share with you her paper and our conversation on the current entrepreneurial environment in the country. Enjoy! ⧪⧪⧪⧪⧪⧪ Change Agent in Morocco:  Safaa Nhairy Elaine S. Pelletier University of Nebraska, Lincoln, MBA Program International Business June 15, 2017 Introduction Morocco is a natural point of confluence because of its geographic location in the northwest corner of Africa, adjacent to the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the major gateway for commerce and movement in the Mediterranean.  Morocco is rich with influence from the European, African and Arabic regions, making it a microcosm of globalism since the earliest times.  The Moroccan ability to blend very different – and often very contrary – cultures has made for an unexpectedly progressive business environment as compar...

What building a REAL business means

Many people dream of launching their own businesses. And when they do, they end up creating jobs for themselves. They certainly are their own bosses but when they're off sick or on holiday, their business activity is on leave as well. When I read 'Poor Dad. Rich Dad' by Robert Kiyosake more than 10 years ago, the cashflow quadrant, he talks about, was to me, such a revelation. I understood that a business is much more than just being your own boss and enjoying the freedom that comes with it. A business is a commercial activity that requires a system. And this is the key thing lacking so many so-called businesses. To be clear, a system is a process where none of the steps rely on you completely. In other words, you need to set the outcomes and objectives clear, draft manuals/ training workbooks, train and hire people and track the system efficiency.  In today's world, this is even easier to achieve thanks to e-commerce and the internet. Automatisation is key to growin...

3 Tips to Boost Your Results This Year

At the beginning of each year, we like to create a multi-page resolution list that we usually drop by the end of January. The goals can sometimes feel overwhelming or unattainable if some steps are not taken underway.  I find that to have what it takes to achieve big goals is to: CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Invest in yourself: Learn, learn, learn! Learning is not limited to college degrees. Learning should be a daily need and task to keep up with the new trends of your market and expanding your mind. Don't be greedy when it comes to investing in yourself monetarily; buy and read books, go to workshops and seminars, get online education etc. This is a much worthy investment and you will never regret spending money on learning.   Expand your horizons: In other words, go outside of your comfort zone. Being confined in an environment, being around the same people and going to the same places all the way will only limit your ability to think outside of the box...