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How to Network Effectively & Create Meaningful Connections

OK, let’s get this straight. If you want to succeed in life, you will have to network,. It doesn't matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert. Networking and meeting new people will help you grow, open up your mind and will trigger life-changing opportunities.

Now that you know you cannot go it alone and that most successful people if not all of them have big networks that help them achieve their goals, let’s get to actually what you could do to start making meaningful connections:

1. Be nice to everybody. You don’t need a reason to be nice to people. In fact, generally, when I get asked about job interviews etc, I usually recommend to be nice to everyone you come across to from, the building entrance to the actual job interview office. You might never know who the person you’re coming across in the elevator is: it could be your future boss or the cleaner who will one day help you lock you out of the office bathroom. The idea is to be nice to everyone without necessarily expecting anything back.

2. Listen and then talk. The foundation of communication lies in listening. Before you start talking about yourself, your goals, business, life etc, listen to what others need, want, look for. First of all, you learn so much by listening and also, you understand better the market needs and how you can contribute and help.

3. Know what you’re looking for and how you can help. People network to get business contracts, more clients, and more sales. It’s important to know what it is you’re after while networking. Be specific about your need because if it’s not clear to you, it won’t be clear to others. And also, make sure you have something you can offer. Remember networking is a two-way street.

4.  Follow up and deliver your promises. If you promised someone you’d send them a presentation when you get back to the office or you’d call them on a given day, then you most certainly should do so. Building a strong network is about respecting other people and nurturing the relationship you wish to have with them.

5. Schedule networking on your planner. Whether offline or online, networking should be an essential part of your business activity. Networking can be with your future employer, client, contractor, employee or co-workers. People buy from people. And whatever service or product you’re offering, people will look at who’s behind it before they decide to purchase it. Make sure networking is part of your daily activity. And thanks God for Linked, Facebook, Twitter etc!

To help you take networking to the next level, I have prepared a workbook for you which will help you get clear on your networking goals and make a plan to effectively start making meaningful connections. Just enter your email address on my blog:

Also, let me down below who did you meet who’s helped you tremendously in your professional and business life?

Let’s stay in touch on social media!


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