The feeling of working hard and not getting anywhere can be very frustrating. Now is a good time to stop and reframe your challenges:
1. You work day in and out and give the most out of yourself. But have you asked yourself why? Why are you doing all this? What is driving you? What motivates you to wake up every morning? You need to have a clear vision of where you want to be and what you would like to achieve.
2. Secondly, do you have goals? What are your short-term and long-term goals? Remember goals are most effective when they are measurable. You want a better job. What job position are you looking for? What missions would you like to be given? And what company culture would you like to work in? Be as specific as possible and set dates and deadlines for your goals too!!
3. Finally, you need to have a strategy. This is the part where you answer the how. How are you going to achieve and make your goals happen? What strategy are you implementing to reach your goals?
You can be the best in your field but if you work hard without having a clear vision, goals and a strategy, you may feel none is taking notice of your hard work. You need to learn to work smart and strategically and always challenge yourself with new objectives.
Your hard work should always be in line with your priorities, objectives, and dreams. Working hard at a job without having a clear picture of why and how you’re doing it, will only bring you stress and will be counter-effective to your personal growth.
QUESTION: What strategy will you be using to work smarter and achieve your goals?
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