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How to make your passion a lucrative business

A lot of people ask me how to make the leap and start their own businesses. Now I must say. It's true that it can be hard to leave the comfort zone and start life from the 'beginning'. But let me ask you this, if you were to continue doing what you're doing, would you be happy? If the answer is no, then let's move on.

1. Decide to leave your comfort zone: You must be willing to accept the changes in your life. This can be cutting off your daily Starbucks' or spending less on clothes and accessories. As you become your own boss, you should switch your attention from you to your business. Every penny should be invested in your business. Are you willing to forget about yourself (some a year at least)?

2. Be willing to take risks: We take risks all the time. Even by staying at your current job, you are taking a risk. I prefer taking an educated risk. If you're prepared to take the leap, then smile to the word 'Risks'. Are you ready for new challenges?

3. Determine what makes you joyful and what you love doing naturally: If you're not sure what kind of business you want to launch, think about what you spend doing during your free time and how that can become a business. A friend of mine loves baking. She quit her job at a bank to start a cupcake business. Got the picture? What's tour passion?

4. Make a plan (business): A dream without a plan is just a dream. Make a plan with actionable objectives. Set 3 things to do a day that are going to get you to where you want to be. Remember there's no overnight success. Persistence and hard work are the key to making your dream come true.

5. Just do it!!: I know a lot of people who spend years doing research and looking for statistics on percentages of success and failure of businesses within the first years. I personally don't really care much about these numbers nor let them influence my mood. If I set my mind to something, then I'll do it. If you really want to have your own business then stop dreaming and start acting. Do it as soon as you feel it's right. Trust me. You'll never regret it.

Now one last thing I must say is that entrepreneurs already have a DNA that's leaned toward leadership and creation/creativity. Entrepreneurship is not for every one. It's for the people who believe they are truely bringing an added value to their clientele.

NOW TO YOU: Do you have any experience or stories to share? How did you make the leap? Where are you in your thinking mode? Answer below. 


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