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Showing posts from December, 2017

Goodbye 2017! You stretched me in every possible way...

What a year!! Challenging, to say the least, both personally and professionally. I certainly was exposed to problems I never have dealt before. Often times, I felt clueless and disoriented. Usually, when we face tough situations, we ask people around us for some guidance. But in my case, my problems were also new to people around me which made it even harder to figure out. Personal research (Thanks Google and YouTube) was my best bet. It often felt tedious and dreary and most of the time not enough. I realized that a change of environment is important. For one’s growth and sanity, you have to be with people higher than you or at least at the same level as you in life. Learning from others is so invaluable and it can be a huge lifesaver. Upgrading your network will make life so much easier on you and also fun. I am usually good at goal-setting and completing tasks. But this year, I felt like I didn’t push myself to create bigger and more challenging goals. I played it safe...

How to stay motivated

Sometimes, life can be really tough. We  feel demotivated, stressed and not feeling to do anything. It’s a natural feeling to feel demotivated especially during difficult times. Sustaining motivation can be tough even under the best circumstances. But, because you may have so many responsibilities, you may not have the option to stay in bed all day watching Netflix, while it passes. You need to keep on showing up and being the best you can be. So, in today’s video, I am giving you three tips on how to stay motivated even during difficult times. CLICK ON THE PHOTO TO WATCH THE VIDEO        Always have a vision board, a goals-list, and a notebook. I find these 3 things extremely helpful when I am unwell and not feeling like doing anything. They actually help me re-center myself and see the bigger picture. A lways go back to your vision board, list of goals and refresh your mind as to why you’re here: your purpose and mission in life. ...

Why working hard isn’t enough to succeed

The feeling of working hard and not getting anywhere can be very frustrating. Now is a good time to stop and reframe your challenges: 1.        You work day in and out and give the most out of yourself. But have you asked yourself why? Why are you doing all this? What is driving you? What motivates you to wake up every morning?  You need to have a clear vision of where you want to be and what you would like to achieve. 2.        Secondly, do you have goals? What are your short-term and long-term goals? Remember goals are most effective when they are measurable. You want a better job. What job position are you looking for? What missions would you like to be given? And what company culture would you like to work in? Be as specific as possible and set dates and deadlines for your goals too!! 3.        Finally, you need to have a strategy. This is the part where you answer the how....

How to Be More Productive

Nowadays with the presence of so many distractions, so many of us struggle with staying focused and productive. In this video, I give tips that work for me and hopefully will help you get the most out of your days and weeks and achieve the most important things you have on your goals list. I find these tips very efficient and I always remind myself of them when I stray. Let me know in the comments section what you usually do to stay focused and productive and your biggest plan for 2018. And stay in touch!

How to Get an MBA (without going back to school)

MBAs can be very expensive, time-consuming and sometimes out of reality. If you're looking for high business education to become an entrepreneur, then there are skills you need to acquire for you to succeed at your self-education. Entrepreneurship is more about the experience than theory. Remember our ancestors. As merchants, they had nothing but experience to learn from. If you want to start a business and educate yourself before you do, then in this video, I tell you what, I find, are the most important skills to focus on. Now, remember, you need to be very determined to learn on your own, dedicate time and make it a commitment for you to fast-track your succeed and avoid the long hours in classrooms. Happy watching and happy learning! QUESTION: Do you think self-education can replace classic and academic education?

December Challenge: It's NOT too Late to Make this Year a Remarkable Year

HO! HO! HO! It's that time of the year... Not to celebrate and exchange gifts (at least not for me). On December 1st, it's hustle time. It's that time I push myself to get back on track and catch up on all pending to-dos, goals, and dreams. In other words, I use December as a month of challenge to complete the objectives I had for that year or at least get significant progress on that. There can be so many distractions in life and the social media and the internet can eat up most of our time (it used to be TV). Now, to achieve goals, I first need to get organized: 1. Review my goals for the past year 2. Check the completed goals 3. Zoom on the remaining ones When I have my remaining goals set clear on paper, I can then evaluate what can quickly be done immediately (if your goal is to get fit, you can already start doing today) and what would take longer to achieve. For the immediate actions, there is no secret to this. I just make time for them on my calendar. ...