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Showing posts from December, 2016

What I learned in 2016

As I am getting ready to move from 2016 to 2017, set myself new challenges and celebrate, I like to stop for a second and acknowledge the importance of these 364 days of this year. And this is what I believe were the key lessons: 1. It's good to let go of things that are harmful to you. In 2015 I made some important decisions about my business and wasn't sure where it was going to take me next. I am glad I made those decisions because today I believe that they were the right ones and they helped me so much grow and achieve the things I wanted to achieve. Ironically, some friends believe they were bad decisions and regularly ask me if I regret my decisions and if I am planning to go back the old way. Whatever I say to them to explain my choice, it doesn't seem to convince them, which leads me to my next point. 2. Only my opinion counts. I like taking educated decisions and rarely go for something before thoroughly thinking about it. With time, I have come to under...

My top business and personal development books

We all know that books shape our lives. I love reading. It's one of the things I enjoy the most. When I used to be back in Houston, DC and London, I used to spend hours in libraries and bookstores. Paper is still my thing and I can hardly read a book on a screen. I guess I like the smell of the paper I can only get through reading a real book. In this article, I am giving you the top books (in no particular order) that have helped me grow and learn about business and life. I have read many books but these are the ones that made it to the top. This list may get longer as I read more books. 1. The Secret: This book was offered to me by my good friend John Purkiss. At the time, I had no idea about what the law of attraction was, although I was actually using it in my daily life. Today to me, this book, written by Rondha Byrne, is a classic and a must-read. It helps you see the world in a total different way and definitely understand that anything is possible. 2. The four-hour...

Your End of Year Check-Up

HO! HO! HO! It's that time again of the year again! I am not talking about gift exchanging and mouth stuffing. But something more meaningful and life-advancing: self-assessment. While people are busy with the festive season, I like to reflect and think back about the months that went by this year and how I feel about my life at this point today. In this video , I give you ideas on how to move from 2016 to 2017 without much pain. Click here to watch the video. On a side note, this is the shortest video I have ever made on YouTube and I am very proud. Let me know what you think. Best wishes on what's left in 2016 and stay in touch!

How to run a business from anywhere in the world

There are so many advantages to running a business remotely. You can work off your couch or on an island sipping mojitos and still run a successful business. If you’re wondering how to do that, watch my video and read on. Get the right equipment and tools: To get started and work from anywhere, you need to have the basics: a good laptop, a very good internet connection and some helpful apps. You’ll also need a phone for urgent communication. Think of a business that can be run from anywhere or redesign your business: If you want to start an online business, that’s a no brainer. It doesn’t need your physical presence anywhere specific for it to run. Hire freelancers:   Outsourcing is a huge thing. Tim Ferriss talked about it more than 10 years ago in his book ‘The Four-hour workweek’ and it’s still relevant today. You can hire people you’ve never met in your life and who’d still deliver quality work. By hiring freelancers, you could have them on board on a Friday ni...

Today is the day

It's that time of the year where I sit, look back at the 11 past months and reflect. Only this time it's different. I am stunned at how quickly time flies by. We always complain about the lack of time and how we don't have time to do anything. We don't have time to work out. We don't have time to visit family. We don't have time to read. We keep postponing important decisions or actions and believe that one day we'll get to them. Excuses, excuses and more excuses, Why excuses? Not only we suck at time management and productivity skills but it's a lie. We do have time. We'd just rather spend hours on Facebook than do something uncomfortable.  In fact, our time's limited. In Morocco, I often hear a popular saying: 'God's days are long' in other words, if not today, there will be plenty of other days. I recently came to realize that this isn't true... How? My two-month-old baby's newborn clothes don't fit him anymore. Pr...