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How to public speak

1.       Prepare. No secret. Your thoughts, ideas should be organized, structured, you need to have a message in mind that you want to put across and an objective to attain.

2.       Practice. I like rehearsing and practing. Put yourself in front of camera or record your voice. Practice. Communication skills are natural for some but not for the rest of us. You need to give it sufficient time to get better at it.

3.       Watch and learn from others. Whether it is videos or audio, listen to how people handle conversations, how they respond, how they manage tough questions etc. By oberserving and listening, you learn a lot and you might also model.

4.       Learn from your mistakes. Learn to self-evaluate to improve and not to stop and say you’re bad at public speaking. Be aware and present when you speak. Make notes and work on your weaknesses.

5.       Read and listen to audio books.  You need to be exposed to language in all its forms. By reading and listening you expand your vocabulary, idioms, figures of speech and that way you get more comfortable and have a language baggage you can use when at need. 

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