Being a business owner, I often come across young graduates looking for internships and jobs. Sometimes I interview them for jobs we offer at the agency. Young people I encounter have most likely gone to school, received higher education and have big dreams of conquering the world. All classic!! However, one thing I have noticed in common among these graduates is this sense of entitlement. 'I am interning at this insurance company. They're using up my time. They should pay me.' or 'I have a higher degree and I won't accept a job if they don't give me a salary with bonuses etc' or even 'Sorry I have a higher degree, I cannot open the office door.'
Because they have being to school and received a degree, these young people feel the world owes it to them. We all know that in most cases, employers don't really care about the degree. It's more about can you do the job and can you do it well. Having a degree is a mere way for filtering applications and looking deeply to those profiles who have a degree and experience.
I remember when I was going to school, I had decided to do an internship outside of my class hours so I could acquire experience. This was not required for my degree. But I enjoyed doing it although I wasn't paid for it and went through tough times. I was feeling so lucky and grateful for being an insider and working in institutions where I could learn and do something I loved: communication and media.
“You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.”The right to have something or entitlement can be a hot debate when it comes to the business and work world. I have acquired higher education and have degree but am I entitled to having the biggest clients in the world and charging big fees for my services? No. No, until I work really hard to convince these 'Biggest clients' that I am the right choice for them and when I will never disappoint them and always deliver high quality work to their standards.
― Abraham Lincoln
I believe entitlement is not healthy. The moment you expect something, you always feel disappointed. There are indeed some basic rights to be respected but none should feel 'special' because none is really 'special'. When you think you are 'special' there is so much pressure that you put on yourself: you have to have this, you have to get this, you have to receive this treatment, etc. It's a lot of expectations. When one doesn't have much expectations but work toward his/her goals, whatever s/he receives is a good surprise and a reward.
My advice to the young adults starting out in their lives: don't demand anything. Work hard and prove you deserve what you want!
QUESTION: And you, how do you feel about entitlement? Do you think your parents, the government, the system, the boss should owe you something for nothing? Share your comments below.
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