WATCH VIDEO Our daily activities take up so much of our time. Showering, eating, working, commuting...some of us are chasing the end of the month salary. Some others the monthly pensions. But why do we live? What is the purpose of life? And do we have to have a purpose, to begin with? In my opinion, life without a purpose is a wasted life, especially that we currently live in a world that offers us so much more opportunities, better conditions of living and the internet. Yes, I had to say that because the internet brought more democracy into the world. Any average citizen's words have the same high chances of being heard as any country president or corporate CEO. Because so much is available to us already, we should make it a goal to have a higher purpose in life. Our primary goals (paying the bills and having food on the table) shouldn't be our ultimate goals. Our existence should have a bigger meaning that goes beyond just our little comfort and interests. Making ...
Whatever you do, do it passionately.