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Showing posts from July, 2014

La Petite Foire Créative à Casablanca

La semaine dernière a eu lieu la première édition de 'La Petite Foire Créative' organisée par un groupe de jeunes femmes marocaines (une est Russe mais elle parle tellement bien marocain qu'on la considère marocaine) et moi-même. Cet événement a eu lieu à la FOL à Casablanca. Etaient présentes à l'expo : Vol2Broche (spécialiste en l'accessoire et plus précisemment la broche), Om'Art (gâteaux sans gluten et sans sucre), Caprices Créatifs (expert du cartonnage), Linoo Fête (la fée des anniversaires pour enfants), Fashion Tape (de quoi embellir votre intérieur et objets), Papillon Vert (Fleurs et plantes à prix très abordables) et Hakoo (cartes de voeux en darija). De nombreuses personnes sont venues nous rendre visite et découvrir nos dernières créations en matière d'accessoires, de gourmandises, de loisirs créatifs et de plantes. Un espace enfant était également au RDV ainsi qu'une tombola : un ftour pour 2 personnes. Cliquez ICI pour regard...

My Favorite Quotes

Hello there I have decided to post all the quotes I have been scribbling on different pieces of paper that I  have read or heard and that caught my attention. They are from authors, motivational speakers, artists etc. I find reading them over and over helps me stick them in my mind and make me do better every day. I hope it'll help you too. This page will be updated on a regular basis.  Happy reading :)                                                        **************** Life is not about me. It's about we. What you get never makes you happy long-term. What you become makes you very happy or very sad. Ask and you shall receive. A no-limit person will never say 'I don't have enough'. Life will pay whatever price you ask for. I want more money. Fine here's a buck and get out of here. There is no way to happiness. H...

Train your mind to make you feel good

I was recently having a conversation with a friend who was complaining about how she doesn't have any help at home and that she hated all that house chores from cooking to cleaning etc. She spoke about the subject passionately and I could feel how she felt about it all. She also explained that she couldn't find anyone to give her a hand and that the potential candidates didn't want to work during summertime. Basically what I understood is that she's stuck. I could almost recommend her moving to a hotel room and being taken care of but I knew that wasn't an option. This made think about a good piece of advice that I heard in one of the audiobooks. Wayne Dyer said: 'If you're not doing what you love and loving what you do, you have 2 choices to make: 1) change what you're doing or 2) change how you feel about what you're doing. I believe that the second option is extremely powerful. While there's so much vibe about 'leaving your job and...