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Showing posts from September, 2013

Are you ready to make your life as inconvenient as possible?

This week’s challenge was actually something very challenging. I have recently read that to achieve what you want in life, you have to ‘create inconveniences’. When I first read this, I thought that was a crazy idea… In fact, creating an inconvenience is actually taking yourself out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to reach new goals and levels. It builds your character. It may seem like self-flagellation but the idea is that the more you do of something you dislike the easier it gets and the better you become as a person. The first ‘inconvenience’ I have tried and done this week was taking a cold shower. While at first, I just couldn’t even run the water on my feet now I have a little more courage and less anxiety when jumping in the shower. I can already notice, having done it 3 times now, that it is getting easier and more fun. I am focusing less and less on the cold water and putting more attention to enjoying the shower. The bonus is that I feel really good after...

L'auto-formation et les jeunes autodidactes

Bonjour, bonjour. J'ai, très récemment, participé à un débat télévisé autour de l'auto-formation et les jeunes autodidactes, un sujet qui me passionne. L'émission Génération News a été diffusée sur Médi1 TV le dimanche 22 septembre 2013. Pour visualiser la vidéo, cliquez : J'attends votre feedback sur les idées présentées et si l'autoformation est pour vous !!

Women don't want to sacrifice anything

Gosh, it’s only 2.45pm and I am already exhausted!! But I know, I am not the only one and have to keep on until 11pm/12am. WHY? Because I am a woman. Women are expected to be everywhere. At the office, earning some money, at the grocery shop, buying stuff for the house, at family reunions, solving problems, in the car, picking up the kids, at home, breastfeeding and baking… Being a woman is far from what Marylin Monroe portrays. Of course, there are women fully enjoying their femininity, time and keeping the nails shiny and polished but that’s not most of us. Most of us are just mad!!! We had hard time or maybe didn’t even have the choice to pick the life we want. Do we want to have a loving husband and a family? Or do we want a successful career? Or be a good housewife and mother? Or do a job we’re passionate about? Or earn personal money and have some savings? Or travel the world and explore new horizons. Well of course, we want it ALL. We are ready for no sacrifice. We jump...

Something you HAVE to TRY : Flourless and Sugarless Pancakes

Today 's discovery is an amazing recipe I read on the internet and didn't believe it until I have tried it : Flourless and sugarless pancakes. Needless to explain what benefits there are for a recipe such as this one... If you are into healthy lifestyle, this is for you... I am not sure I can call it a 'recipe' as it's a 2-ingredient recipe and really it couldn't be any simpler. Ready? You'll need, to make these amazing and tasty pancakes, 1 banana and 2 eggs!!!! You start by peeling off a ripe banana and then mush it with a fork. You then add to it the 2 eggs. Mix everything and get the pan ready with some oil. Pour some of the mix on the pan. Flip it when ready. And voilà!! Your pancakes are ready. Verdict : It was so good that no pancake was left. Why I love this recipe more : 1) It didn't have any sugar or flour 2) It takes 2 min to do and 3) no mess in the kitchen or loads of dishes required!!! Oh one thing, I actually sprinkled som...

It's already been a week!!

As part of my back-to-school/back-to-work resolutions, I have decided to get a healthier lifestyle : better food and more exercise. The first I did on Monday (naturally and without upon reflexion) was ditching my car. I now use my feet to go to work (of course I don’t live too far from my workplace), do light shopping, go to the post office, pay my bills and meet people. Of course, I will use my car for when I need it. But today is actually the 5thday without using my 4-wheel engine. Surprisingly I feel lighter and free (I thought people bought cars to have more freedom). My morning, noon and evening walks is the best thing for me as I am certainly not a gym person and I have meant to go work out by the sea with a friend for ages but never got to do it. So, there I am, no car but have managed to be somehow active. The second thing I am working on is eating healthier. In a way, I am glad I don’t have house help (this won’t be for long). Because now I can make our meals and thin...

Comment réussir sa reprise

C’est la rentrée !!  Dur, dur après des vacances ensoleillées. Je profite de cette période pour ré-organiser mes idées. Voici quelques conseils que je suis et que je vais partager avec vous pour bien réussir sa reprise : FAITES UN TRAVAIL QUI VOUS PASSIONNE. Il serait malheureux de passer des journées entières dans un travail qui ne vous donne pas satisfaction. Certes, il y a des personnes qui n’ont pas le choix à cause de contraintes financières (On en parlera dans un prochain article) mais si vous avez des compétences et de l’expérience, ne gâchez pas votre vie à faire un métier ou à travailler dans un environnement qui ne vous plait pas. ORGANISEZ VOS JOURNEES A L’AVANCE. Trop de spontanéité ne vous mènera pas très loin. Un minimum d’organisation et de planification est nécessaire pour accomplir vos taches et atteindre vos objectifs.  Rendez-vous chez le dentiste, visite familiale, etc, ca se programme à l’avance. CONSACREZ-VOUS DU TEMPS. Souvent lorsque nous somme...