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Showing posts from January, 2018

Change Agent in Morocco: Safaa Nhairy

Last year, I got contacted by Elaine Pelletier who was writing a paper on entrepreneurship in Morocco for her MBA program at the University of Nebraska, USA. I thought I'd share with you her paper and our conversation on the current entrepreneurial environment in the country. Enjoy! ⧪⧪⧪⧪⧪⧪ Change Agent in Morocco:  Safaa Nhairy Elaine S. Pelletier University of Nebraska, Lincoln, MBA Program International Business June 15, 2017 Introduction Morocco is a natural point of confluence because of its geographic location in the northwest corner of Africa, adjacent to the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the major gateway for commerce and movement in the Mediterranean.  Morocco is rich with influence from the European, African and Arabic regions, making it a microcosm of globalism since the earliest times.  The Moroccan ability to blend very different – and often very contrary – cultures has made for an unexpectedly progressive business environment as compar...

What building a REAL business means

Many people dream of launching their own businesses. And when they do, they end up creating jobs for themselves. They certainly are their own bosses but when they're off sick or on holiday, their business activity is on leave as well. When I read 'Poor Dad. Rich Dad' by Robert Kiyosake more than 10 years ago, the cashflow quadrant, he talks about, was to me, such a revelation. I understood that a business is much more than just being your own boss and enjoying the freedom that comes with it. A business is a commercial activity that requires a system. And this is the key thing lacking so many so-called businesses. To be clear, a system is a process where none of the steps rely on you completely. In other words, you need to set the outcomes and objectives clear, draft manuals/ training workbooks, train and hire people and track the system efficiency.  In today's world, this is even easier to achieve thanks to e-commerce and the internet. Automatisation is key to growin...

3 Tips to Boost Your Results This Year

At the beginning of each year, we like to create a multi-page resolution list that we usually drop by the end of January. The goals can sometimes feel overwhelming or unattainable if some steps are not taken underway.  I find that to have what it takes to achieve big goals is to: CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Invest in yourself: Learn, learn, learn! Learning is not limited to college degrees. Learning should be a daily need and task to keep up with the new trends of your market and expanding your mind. Don't be greedy when it comes to investing in yourself monetarily; buy and read books, go to workshops and seminars, get online education etc. This is a much worthy investment and you will never regret spending money on learning.   Expand your horizons: In other words, go outside of your comfort zone. Being confined in an environment, being around the same people and going to the same places all the way will only limit your ability to think outside of the box...