1. Know what you are good at. You cannot be an expert in Marketing, Accounting and Sales. Pick a field that interest you and where you feel have value to bring on. You cannot be good at everything!! If you are good at a number of things, think about what makes you different from the others and what’s your competitive edge. 2. Articulate your USP. Once you know what you are good at. Write it. Make sure the words you are using are empowering and help you be seeing as an expert. This is particularly important for your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) where you should put ahead your expertise. Check out an example of a great USP in the video here. 3. Design a professional image. Have professional looking social media accounts, resume/CV, business cards, email address… here you should invest in your image and clearly articulate your field of expertise. There are a number of websites that offer graphic design ...
Whatever you do, do it passionately.